The problem is that IntelliJ IDEA has a plugin for this (Database Navigator) that doesn't work as expected and I couldn't get any help on their forums. I don't have this driver implemented anywhere so the error makes sense. Which is caused by this line: Class.forName('.Driver') I got my connection credentials, but I get a following error. For convenience, handle all errors here. String name = rs.getString('table_name') String catalog = rs.getString('table_catalog') Sql = 'select * from information_schema.tables ' tProperty('password', MasterUserPassword) Ĭonn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, props) Uncomment the following line if using a keystore. Open a connection and define properties. Redshift JDBC 4 driver: 4.DriverĬlass.forName('.Driver') Static final String MasterUserPassword = '***master user password***' Static final String MasterUsername = '***master user name***' Static final String dbURL = '***jdbc cluster connection string ****' Redshift driver: 'jdbc:redshift:// This is the website and the code from the website: package connection However I am running into problems with implementing the JDBC driver. I found a code snippet on AWS website that should work.
I am having trying to connect to Amazon Redshift Database with my Java code.